Saturday, 18 April 2015

We Don’t See Any Ashy Bines Types Here, That’s For Sure

Original post can be found here.

In reply to the GCB article:

Ashy Bines quotes “and battling it out? i think the MORE people in the industry for the right reasons helping our society the BETTER. Im not competing against anyone, im here to help whoever wants my help”

Yes Ashy is right, the more fitness professionals in the industry who help the public with their health and wellbeing the better. However there is one thing Ashy is missing, and that is being completely honest in her business, including doing the right things and taking responsibility .

Ashy: “Im not competing against anyone, im here to help whoever wants my help”.

Ashy admitted (only late last month) that she is ‘a very competitive person’ on her Facebook business page. See attached Images.


Regarding Emily Skye and Ashy….

If anyone really looks up the differences between Ashy Bines and Emily Skye, you will find that they are different in the types of business they run, and what they provide to their paying customers.

It should be cleared up that Emily Skye does not and has never worked for or with Ashy Bines, this also includes never being involved with or working apart of ABBBC. One of the businesses that Emily runs is a 28 Day shred program with Ashy’s husband Steven Evans. As we have seen in recent newspapers Emily is currently suing Mr Evans for failing to efficiently market her program, and funnelling money into his other business. You will find these articles online regarding Miss Skye suing Steven.

Ashy Bines Admits To Plagiarism – Media Coverage

One thing Ashy Bines should remember through CERT III in fitness is that you are told over and over again to be over cautious in the content you release, ensuring it is not copied from other sources. 
You are educated to understand that if you like another persons work and you wish to you use it, you are to gain consent or you alter it to your clients suitability. When Ashy plagiarised she failed to do this, that is not naive that is out right stealing.

For those who ‘do not care’ that Ashy has plagiarised that is ok, but what is not ok is the abusive responses they come back with to those that are upset and let down. $69.95 may be pocket money to the people who don’t care, but it may be a tank of fuel, bread and milk to another person. Also, the people who feel let down would have rather given their well earned money to an original fitness guru, who is honest and ethical. If you wrote a book and/or came up with your own work and someone blatantly stole it (word for word) you would not be so happy, especially when permission was not given. We understand that there are many professionals in all range of fields who have similarities, but the difference is that they changed it to their client base and to their liking, unlike Ashy.

“In a series of text messages to the Gold Coast Bulletin yesterday, Ms Bines said she did not want to speak about the plagiarism beyond what was in her video as it would “bring the haters out”.”

Yes, there are haters no one denies that. However, what Ashy is misunderstanding is the haters (who post terrible statements) VS unsatisfied and upset (paying) customers.

This pages does not condone any form of bullying. It’s ok to vent but there is a line, and if our followers cross that line the posts will be removed from the page. Bullying is not tolerated.

The abusive content quoted from the news agent are from Ashy Bines Instagram page, they are not from this page.

Furthermore the blog the news outlet discloses is from a website that further exposes the truth of Ashy Bines.

The people who run this page and majority of the followers are not haters, as stated we are people who want justice, and who are disgruntled at feeling cheated. It is not fair in what Ashy has done, charging people for stolen content, the way she speaks to her followers to blaming others for her wrong doing.

Regarding the actual haters against Ashy personally, whilst it is not at all ok and in no way do we accept what they say, please be reminded that Ashy herself is a bully to her followers and/or people who make comments on her instagram page. We have articles called ‘Ashy Bines Talks To Her Followers’, which shows how she speaks to people. Ashy is very defensive and responds before she thinks about what she is going to post. It is also known that Ashy’s friends come on her instagram page and further bullies people who are not ‘pro-ashy’ and/or question her. It has also been sighted that someone can ask Ashy a simple question, however an Ashy fan pipes up with a not so nice comment, to which Ashy congratulates them for their nasty reply. Do not be fooled, you can easily scroll through Ashy’s instagram posts to see her unprofessional, nasty and unhelpful comments. Why does Ashy not do what every other well known professional does when they receive nasty comments, be the better person and do not respond. Yes, no one should tolerate abuse or bullying, however if you can not respond with maturity and professionalism do not respond at all, and focus on those that support you. In saying this, when someone questions Ashy about her programs, her lifestyle, appearance and it is NOT bulling (just a question) she can respond nicely, not how she does majority of the time which is school yard bullying.

We appreciate all our followers and those who help spread the awareness of this disgraced business. We accept responses in regards to Ashy’s business ethics and the business itself, however any personal attacks to Ashy will be removed.

Media Coverage

Gold Coast Bulletin

KIIS Fm/Kyle and Jackie O

Courier Mail


Mid 20s & Still Blaming Others

The saying usually goes ‘If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all’, however not only does Ashy not comprehend this she also was never taught to not Air Your Dirty Laundry In Public.

This page and support group is about showing people that Ashleigh, Steven Evans and the ABBBC business are scamming thieves. As you have been informed Ashy has admitted to stealing and plagiarizing content from other professionals, yet she has no remorse nor does she care and why is that? Because Ashy and her husband are all about Money and Fame, they do not care who they have to trample on to get to the top, including that of Ashy’s former (and might we say beautiful) best friend Millie Aldridge.

Ashy will lie through her teeth and dodge any questions that may force her to look in the mirror. We provide evidence that shows you how Ashy treats her clientele and as you know Emily Skye has also opened up to the treatment she received from Ashy and Steven, from their lying tactics, to their ego getting in the way and not focused on the true meaning of Health and Fitness.

Did you know that during the past week Ashy has been asked about why she had her tattoo removed, the one she had done with Millie Aldridge? 
Now most people know that they had a falling out, so the honest thing for Ashy to do would be to state that it was a tattoo with her former friend and she no longer wants to be reminded of it. However, Ashy being her normal self dodged this question and said that she didn’t like it anymore and basically for people to mind their own business. Now this is true don’t get us wrong she doesn’t need to give us the gossy details, but A: Most people know where the tattoo stems from and B: Ashy decides to go and make an entire post and air her dirty laundry about Millie Aldridge.

Once again here is Ashy Bines blaming a friend who was like a sister and not even thinking for a moment about what she may have done. You know what we have found though? That people who have been friends with Ashy, once they get out they all (separately) give the same reason for why they left: Ashy’s ego, money, fame, Ashy trying to change them, Ashy not letting them grow and blossom and do with their lives what they want. The list goes on.

Our point for this post is to show you that Ashy not only treats her clientele like scum and steals from them, but that she is an awful person to her ‘friends’ and just like Paris Hilton she culls anyone who may be better than her.

Ashy is always on the defensive side, attacking customers who ask simple questions, to culling friends who want to prosper in life. She never admits when she is wrong, she’ll either blame someone else or tell you to use Google. Remember ladies and gents, there is two sides to every story and the bigger people (like Millie and Emily) have morals and know the truth of what Ashy Bines is really like.

Ashy Bines 7 Day Kick Start Program – Another Attempt in Gaining Quick Bucks

Original post can be found here.

Ashy Bines and no doubt, husband Steven Evans, the internet marketing brains behind her brand have just released: “ASHY’S 7 DAY KICKSTART PROGRAM” 
This very deliberately low priced teaser program is another unethical, sneaky attempt to lure in more innocent Ashy followers and leave them feeling the need to buy more! 
This program has been released only days after she has said (direct quote): “I happen to like helping people…if I can suggest ways for people to stay healthy, I don’t need to be paid for that, I genuinely like helping”. Yet, this program is asking women to pay for NOTHING MORE than a glorified “day in the life of Ashy Bines”. 
Putting the money grab plan aside, this 7 Day Kickstart Program is also a totally irresponsible approach to health, fitness and wellbeing! 

It promotes a “quick fix” mentality as opposed to a healthy long term plan and it’s appalling that she promotes (below) a 7 Day Program as a perfect way to counteract a “binge weekend”!
Is there anything that this pair won’t charge for???

Ashy Bines Admits to Selling Plagiarized Recipes

Ashy Bines admits to selling plagiarized recipes then announces she will be selling a new E-Book with no word on refunds or compensation to customers or the authors of the original recipes.

A video has recently come to our attention, which can be viewed here:

In this video Ashy Bines states:

“As a business woman I often outsource projects to experts..” “Unfortunately I may have been too naive to think that I wouldn’t have to check the origins of each recipe, instead trusting that the work would be completed in a honest and professional manner. It’s recently come to my attention that these recipes were not originals at all and have been copied from other sources. This was never my intention and it sucks that these things can happen.”

Ashy then goes on to say:

“But, moving forward, I’ve been working with my dear friend Cory to give you recipes for your optimal health and to get you feeling and looking your best. My friend Cory’s been a chef for over 14 years, he has created these all by himself with me taste testing and tweaking to make sure they are all clean and yummy for you.”

This next part is what we take issue with and find completely outrageous:

“We are now working on another E-Book you will be able to purchase separately filled with approximately 50 recipes..”

No where in this video does Ashy offer to correct her mistake of selling plagiarised material. She does not offer refunds, compensation to the recipe creators nor just she state that she will be updating the current E-Books she has sold and continues to sell with new material that isn’t plagiarised.

Instead she plans on SELLING a whole new E-Book.

Ashy clearly states in this video that she has sold plagiarised material. Is that not fair grounds to ask for a refund?

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