Thursday 9 August 2012

Steven Evans

Mr. Evans. Also known as Steven Thomas Arthur Evans, Steve Evans, Steven Thomas Evans

Co-owner of Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge, Obesity Prevention Australia, Fit Kids Australia, We United Pty Ltd (now Microbit Pty Ltd), and "We United Foundation."

A disgruntled, heavy looking man, with features that remind one of images of prehistoric humans you found in textbooks in 10th grade science.

Steven Evans 

What makes this man act the way he does?
Party drugs?
Prescription drugs?
His medical condition which he somehow miraculously overcame?
No one but Ashleigh Bines, or his parents would know.

He uses Obesity Prevention Australia and ABBBC as a way to take money from unsuspecting citizens and possibly companies. When his govt funding ran out, he blamed Julia Gillard's rise to the seat of Prime Minister.

Excerpts from legal documentation received.

What the public do know, is his behaviour makes him quite scary and intimidating. Especially towards women.
Threatening, harassing, stalking, and even obtaining personal information through illegal means. And no matter how many times he is asked to stop, he just keeps going.
I think he may have been "dropped on the head at birth," as the saying goes.

Steven's personal vendetta reached a climax when he offered a $5,000 reward for "dobbing in" the "Hate Page's" creator, to the women who had purchased the ABBBC plan.

This mobile number was traced back to a Steven Evans, after the receiver asked for them not to contact them again.

I brought up these concerns on the Facebook group, and was told not to worry. I explained that being a victim of that sort of behaviour in the past, it was a little unsettling for me and my son, who is only 7 months, to be in the next area code, just a ten minute drive away from his, and Ashleighs, business "headquarters" and a half hour drive from their personal address.
I was verbally attacked by other women on the forum for raising this concern, and the admins did nothing to stop the abuse, bar remove the post once it reached over 300 comments.

A threat from Steven Evans when he personally messaged someone over being the creator of a "Hate Page."

Steven Evans' personal Facebook
Steven Evans - The Truth Facebook Page