Saturday 18 April 2015

Mid 20s & Still Blaming Others

The saying usually goes ‘If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all’, however not only does Ashy not comprehend this she also was never taught to not Air Your Dirty Laundry In Public.

This page and support group is about showing people that Ashleigh, Steven Evans and the ABBBC business are scamming thieves. As you have been informed Ashy has admitted to stealing and plagiarizing content from other professionals, yet she has no remorse nor does she care and why is that? Because Ashy and her husband are all about Money and Fame, they do not care who they have to trample on to get to the top, including that of Ashy’s former (and might we say beautiful) best friend Millie Aldridge.

Ashy will lie through her teeth and dodge any questions that may force her to look in the mirror. We provide evidence that shows you how Ashy treats her clientele and as you know Emily Skye has also opened up to the treatment she received from Ashy and Steven, from their lying tactics, to their ego getting in the way and not focused on the true meaning of Health and Fitness.

Did you know that during the past week Ashy has been asked about why she had her tattoo removed, the one she had done with Millie Aldridge? 
Now most people know that they had a falling out, so the honest thing for Ashy to do would be to state that it was a tattoo with her former friend and she no longer wants to be reminded of it. However, Ashy being her normal self dodged this question and said that she didn’t like it anymore and basically for people to mind their own business. Now this is true don’t get us wrong she doesn’t need to give us the gossy details, but A: Most people know where the tattoo stems from and B: Ashy decides to go and make an entire post and air her dirty laundry about Millie Aldridge.

Once again here is Ashy Bines blaming a friend who was like a sister and not even thinking for a moment about what she may have done. You know what we have found though? That people who have been friends with Ashy, once they get out they all (separately) give the same reason for why they left: Ashy’s ego, money, fame, Ashy trying to change them, Ashy not letting them grow and blossom and do with their lives what they want. The list goes on.

Our point for this post is to show you that Ashy not only treats her clientele like scum and steals from them, but that she is an awful person to her ‘friends’ and just like Paris Hilton she culls anyone who may be better than her.

Ashy is always on the defensive side, attacking customers who ask simple questions, to culling friends who want to prosper in life. She never admits when she is wrong, she’ll either blame someone else or tell you to use Google. Remember ladies and gents, there is two sides to every story and the bigger people (like Millie and Emily) have morals and know the truth of what Ashy Bines is really like.

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