Saturday 15 September 2012

Ashy Bines Caught Stealing Images From Other Weight Loss Websites


Just another reason y weights & resistence training do a body good! Your not going to get big and look like a body builder if you combine weights with some cardio and a good diet ur only going to get smaller because your going to get tighter, more firm and turn that flabby fat that takes up twice as much room into toned tight lean muscle! Were not built the same as men who can build big muscles very easily and I know which butt i would prefer and which butt the guys would prefer too! So dont be afraid to lift weights if u want real results & be the best healthy version of you….Train mean, eat clean & look lean :):)"

This transformation was on Ashy Bines' page and claimed to be a "Lindsey." Of course I could not find her on the list, even with extensive research, so I have emailed this girl.

The following quote was taken from "Lindsey's" image on the ABBBC Official Facebook Page:

"SO PROUD by one of our bikini body girls LINDSEY!!

This his her butt after 11 weeks of The 12 week bikini body challenge at burleigh AND following My clean eating plan! :)

Well done babe you are amazing and have transformed your mind body and espcially your butt wooohooo!!!! ;) xxx"

Another fake testimonial on ABBBC Official Facebook page.

"Noami" is really Annette Cruz, from the USA

"Naomi" can also be found under several other aliases:

Deer Park Kick Boxing

And under the name "Martin" spruiking Acai Verde

This next image is also found on the ABBBC Official Faceboook page, with the following quote:

"Hi Ashy,
I've had plenty of slip ups along the way, but find I'm still losing weight and cm's by sticking to the guidelines as much as possible. I used to go to the gym 5-6 times a week without any results, because I never changed my eating habits. Since starting your plan, I've noticed my body changing with minimal exercise.. Thank you so much for creating this plan, I'm definitely feeling more comfortable within myself, and I'm only on week 9, can't wait to see the results in another 9 weeks"

When I did a reverse image search on Google, however, the photo was not only on the ABBBC wall.

Though, in all honesty, after viewing Thinspiration's Facebook page, I came to the conclusion it was either run by ABBBC, or a hardcore supporter.

Editors note: This article was correct at time of submission.


  1. The bottom photo was put on the thinspiration wall after it was on the ABBBC wall...that's hardly stealing photos?

    They also deleted the 2nd one after they found out it was a fake photo that someone had sent in with a fake testimonial. They definitely should have checked before posting it up, but they didn't go out in search of this themselves to specifically put up a fake testimonial. One of the people from the waste of $ page probably sent it in hoping to "catch them out" and post it all over the internet and it worked.

    1. Even so, without the proper filters, this does not make their business look any better.

    2. As if anyone from the waste page would send a fake testimonial anonymous, are you serious? We are not interested in engaging in this sort of behaviour. There has been three stolen photographs. We are not interested in setting up ABBBC, they do enough on their own without it. If ABBBC were truly the victims they would have issues a statement and released the email which purports to send it them. In fact, they did not and claimed it was one of their girls even after being caught out. The Waste Page does not need to embarrass ABBBC they do a great job of it themselves. So instead of stalking blogs, why dont you stay in your happy forum and let us with a social conscience work on the rights that are being usurped by false and misleading advsertising.

  2. So what about the top 2 photos? You dont mention them and are quick to blame others, the waste page isnt there to play games, it gives information for people to get refunds and find thruths.

    1. I'm not sure who this comment is directed at.

    2. The butt transformation is a real ashy bines client whose photo was stolen and tumbled more than 20,000 times, it was also claimed by three other sources. I choose to believe the customer from ABBBC on this occasion. As to the second testimonial, that was stolen from a US site and passed off as an ABBBC client. ABBBC can prove the authenticity but they chose to remove it, they also have the ability to use the reverse image search on google to ensure that what they are using to sell their product is bona fide :-)

  3. Ashy Bines is a thief... She was employed as a checkout operator at a supermarket in Banora Point and was caught stealing money with 2 other employees. This wasn't just a couple of bucks out of the till it was systematically done over a long period of time. Because she was casual she resigned after the first girl was being investigated. Fact
