Recently, Ashy’s “Diet Plan” came under fire from the Dieticians Association of Australia as one of the worst fad diets in the country, and Ashy is confused as to why she was ranked with the Lemon Detox and Skinny Me Tea diets.
Firstly I think they are confused with the difference between ABBBC and my clean eating diet plan,
Secondly its CRAZY how ‘ABBBC’ OR my clean eating diet plan can be compared with a liquid detox that holds next to nutritional value. Let alone any education/support/motivation on how to live a healthy lifestyle that can be maintained, to then compare it with my guidelines that involves REAL food, all food groups we all need, and no restrictions to cut any food groups out has just blown my mind.
Ashy, let me remind you that your Diet Plan is marketed and sold in your Bikini Body Challenge program by your company, Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge. There is no confusion, at least not on their part.
Why it was compared to those diets, is because they rated fad diets, which, (surprise surprise) your diet plan falls under that category.
For those who are unsure of what a “fad diet” is, here is the general consensus:
A fad diet is a nutritional regimen, usually extreme in nature, intended to produce results faster than a traditional diet-exercise combination, and often of a dubious nature.
You can see the Dieticians Association of Australia’s definition here.
Although a DAA spokeswoman did have this to say
(bear in mind, that the DAA are the leading body in dietetics and nutrition professionals in Australia, representing over 50,000 members):
For more information: review of the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge
Article published on Brisbane Times website
Article published by The Herald Sun
"Dietitians really discourage people from undertaking fad diets, and a fad diet is one that hasn’t been individually tailored to suit people’s needs,"
"The DAA calls on people to seek out individually tailored advice rather than follow fad diets."
"The real positive I see from it is it does focus on whole foods and a move away from processed foods.”
"It is encouraging the majority of the diet promotes vegetables and salad and advises the limitation of saturated fat and sugar.”
"Where it goes too far, is saying you can only have one piece of fruit a day, you shouldn’t eat carbs after morning tea, all of those things are very prescriptive."
"They are not for the general population."
For more information: review of the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge
Article published on Brisbane Times website
Article published by The Herald Sun