Thursday, 31 January 2013

I'm Back! But Only For A Little While.

So, this blog has been a bit dead as of late.

I plan on updating it soon, when I can come up with something not related to Ashy Bines.

The past month has been stressfully hectic, what with my son's first birthday, ex-cyclone Oswald and the flooding and power outages, work, etc.

I have also chosen not to publish any recent ABBBC blogs until that bullshit settles down. I'd rather not put myself in the spotlight when I'm feeling my most vulnerable. I also feel it's the right decision  when it comes to that, as it may affect me, it may not, I dunno.

Most who follow me would have noticed my absence in the blog, on the Facebook page, Tumblr, Twitter, e.t.c.

I've also decided to use Tumblr as a medium to express my interests in beauty, fashion, cosmetics, style, e.t.c, so I won't be posting anything that is overly public, only slightly personal, that I want to share (which, ABBBC, is very public).

If you do want to see what I've been up to lately, I update my Instagram regularly, with posts about nails, papercraft, my kid, what I do, e.t.c.

Mr Evans, that's also not an incentive to comb over every image or word I have written. You are stupid for admitting what you did to Anne, and I can guarantee, that that woman was not me. Although I have been wary when being out of my house, since I have been in similar situations in the past, and know how to deal with them.

Anyway, before I start a rant and turn an innocent update into a shitfest...

If you wish to continue following me, follow the above links. I have chosen to no longer accept or speak to people I don't know through my personal Facebook, so I ask you respect my wishes and leave that account alone.

I bid you, happy crafting, modelling, painting, drawing, blogging, or whatever it is you do in your free time.
